It’s that time of year again: New Year’s Eve. Typically, new year’s resolutions are for adults, but they can help kids set goals and learn responsibility, too! As we approach 2020, consider talking to your kids about their goals for the new year. 

Some prompting questions to encourage goal-setting are “what would you like to accomplish this year?” “What’s a new skill you want to learn?” or “What is an unhealthy habit you wish to stop?” These can prompt your children to think about what their resolution or resolutions should be. The best resolutions are those that promote a happy, healthy lifestyle!

It’s best to let kids set their own goals, but if they are having trouble coming up with any, here are some great ideas for resolutions for school-age kids:

  1. Get straight A’s
  2. Learn how to ride a bike
  3. Find a new sport I like
  4. Help my community
  5. Find positive ways to deal with anxiety or stress

To help your kids keep track of their goals and how close they are to achieving their resolutions, you can help them keep a chart or journal. Offering some sort of reward for achieving their goals like a trip to a theme park or a gift of their choice can be an extra motivating factor. You can share your resolution as well to join in the fun and provide moral support. 

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