LEGO math: 8 ideas for using colorful bricks to improve math skills

Addition and Subtraction - ImageLEGO® Bricks stimulate creativity, inspire the imagination and test a child’s logic. Adored by kids around the world, these colorful little blocks are also an incredible tool for learning math skills.

Wondering how you can help your child improve math skills with LEGO® Bricks? Check out these 10 LEGO® math ideas you can easily do at home.

  1. Addition and subtraction
    For little LEGO® enthusiasts, use blocks to teach basic addition and subtraction concepts. Sort blocks into colors and then use to demonstrate basic math equations. For example, stack four orange blocks, two blue blocks and three yellow blocks to see how many there are total.
  2. Fractions - ImagePart vs. whole
    The studs are the small, cylindrical bumps found on most LEGO® Bricks. Not only do they hold the bricks together, but they can be used to teach LEGO® math. To teach the concept of whole versus part, use an eight-stud block as the whole and then explain how a six, four and two-part stud blocks are parts.
  3. Fractions
    Once your child understands whole versus part, the next step is fractions. Use LEGO® Bricks of different sizes to explain fractions. Again, an eight-stud block will represent one. Then use other blocks to show fractions, such as a four-stud block equals 1/2, and a two-stud block equals 1/4. You can also use these combinations to teach addition of fractions.
  4. Measurements
    How many stacked LEGO® Bricks does it take to measure your child’s shoe? How does that compare to Mom and Dad’s shoe? Use the blocks to measure different items around the house and record your calculations to compare.
  5. Square numbers
    Giving your child a visual example of squared numbers can help them to understand the concept on a deeper level. For example, stack two eight-stud blocks to demonstrate four squared. Repeat to show different squared numbers and have your child try some on his or her own.
  6. Symmetry
    Teaching the mathematical concept of symmetry is easy when you use LEGO® Bricks. Start by cutting a butterfly out of a large piece of white paper. Then have your child use the blocks to create a colorful wing on one side. Then have them mimic the same pattern in reverse on the other wing to demonstrate symmetry.
  7. Greater than and less than
    Write down the carrot symbol as well as a variety of numbers individually on small pieces of paper. Have your child pull two numbers and stack the correct amount of blocks. Then have your child use the carrot to select which stack is greater than the other.

Multiplication Image Bricks8. Multiplication and division
Enhance traditional multiplication and division worksheets by using LEGO® Bricks instead of numbers. For example, place a four-stud block on a piece of paper, add a multiplication sign, then place a six-stud block and add an equal sign to complete the equation. Repeat this down the paper and you have the most fun math worksheet around.

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