Sweet summertime! The kids can let their imaginations soar and entertain themselves all day long.

Unfortunately, the reality of summertime may not be so sweet. First, kids aren’t always that great at entertaining themselves. Then, with all of the technology that surrounds us, getting kids away from the screen can be difficult. And keeping kids completely disconnected from technology is unrealistic and not even necessary. Unrealistic because when we aren’t going to disconnect completely, why should we expect our kids to? And unnecessary because technology offers many learning opportunities.

However, research does show that too much screen time is not good for kids. So find ways to limit the amount of time your child spends in front of the screen. Here are some great tips for summer (and beyond):

  • If you are going to limit your kids’ screen time, then you should limit yours too. Find something to do as a family that doesn’t require technology.
  • Let your children earn time on devices like iPads or video games. You can find numerous chore charts for screen time (like this one) online.
  • Find other fun activities. Adults don’t always do a great job of entertaining themselves. Kids are no different. While they definitely need free time to play and imagine, providing opportunities for guided fun and learning are important too. And there are so many opportunities for learning during the summer. Ask friends and neighbors or do a search to find programs and activities in your community. Bricks 4 Kidz® camps are a fresh and fun way for kids ages five to 13+ to spend their breaks from school! And our camps and programs aren’t for summertime only!
  • Familiarize yourself with what your child is doing with screen time. Whether it’s playing games, chatting with friends or watching videos, make sure that they are on safe, age-appropriate sites. Arm yourself with some of the best websites for kids!

The best rule of thumb is to use common sense when it comes to how much time your kids – and you – spend in front of a screen. Set limits and find other activities to make the most of summer and beyond!