You want to set your students up for success.

To accomplish this, you work hard on your lesson plans and do your best to keep your students engaged. This is especially true when teaching them the ever-important S.T.E.A.M. concepts.

Keeping kids interested during the learning process isn’t always easy, though. This is why we’ve created interactive LEGO® in-school field trips.

These field trips will help your students stay interested in what you’re teaching them. How so?

How LEGOS® Keep Kids Engaged and Interested in Learning

These are just a few of the reasons why more teachers are utilizing learning tools like LEGOs® in their classrooms.

LEGOs® Encourage Active Participation

Active participation is beneficial in three ways:

First, hands-on learning is one of the best ways to learn how to do something.

Second, putting LEGOs® together is similar to putting a puzzle together. Both activities are another way to exercise the brain and promote problem-solving skills.

Finally, even shy students can enjoy LEGO® activities. They get to participate without feeling like all eyes are on them, something which can cause shy little ones a lot of stress.

LEGOs® Are Great Visual Learning Aids for Telling a Memorable Story

Story-telling is an invaluable teaching technique, especially when you’re trying to teach a subject like history.

Certain subjects can seem really dry to some students. By putting social studies or history topics in the form of a story you engage the minds’ of your little ones.

Then, when you add a visual aid to your story – as can be done with LEGOs® – the story (as well as the important lesson to be learned from it) is more likely to stick in your student’s minds for years to come.

Kids Learn Valuable Team-Building Skills

Throughout our lives, we will have to work with others. It’s best to instill how to do this properly as early as possible.

In school, kids learn to share and how to problem-solve together. They also learn how to overcome conflicts.

In fact, by utilizing tools like LEGOs®, kids can learn a very important lesson: That there’s more than one way to do something.

Learning this at an early age will help them throughout their school years and in their career later in life.

Why LEGOS® Are an Essential Tool for Teaching Kids S.T.E.A.M. Concepts

Teachers who use LEGOs® to teach their students are finding these “toys” allow them to teach more complex concepts, like those pertaining to:

  • Science
  • Technology
  • Engineering
  • Art
  • Math

Playing with blocks and LEGO® gives students a fun, creative outlet.

Additionally, they can be used to delve into topics like coding, the Dewey decimal system, elements, compounds, chemical mixtures, and even text analysis.

LEGOs® can serve as a visual aid, which is invaluable for kids who are visual learners. They can also make your job of teaching easier and more enjoyable.

Plus, they’re just fun! And when you can make learning fun, your kids will enjoy coming to school and value what they’re taught.

How In-School Field Trips Serve the Needs of Educators

At Bricks4Kidz Atlanta, we want to help local educators make learning more enjoyable and engaging.

This is why we offer in-classroom field trips/workshops.

One of the reasons these programs work so well is because each workshop is custom-created. We work with you to find out what activities will benefit your students the most.

We understand the importance of S.T.E.M. and S.T.E.A.M. concepts, and have over a thousand LEGO® lesson plans to help students learn them.

Enriching your curriculum with interactive lessons will make these important concepts stick in your students’ brains. They’ll be able to recall the lessons learned, which will help them with problem-solving skills down the road as they progress through school.

Empower and Engage Your Students with Innovative, Interactive Projects

It’s tragic, but kids don’t always find school interesting. But, in order for our children to benefit from the education they receive, they need to be engaged in the classroom.

Therefore, it’s our job as educators to find innovative ways to get kids involved. And hands-on projects are one of the best ways to do this.

When children get the chance to get involved in whatever lesson you’re trying to teach, what they’re learning is more likely to make sense.

These lessons educators teach them with in-school workshops can last for a lifetime and serve them during their college years and even into their career.
Find ways to get kids involved and engaged – and make it fun! – and you’ll be the teacher they remember and appreciate for years to come.