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Chirstmas Gift GivingThe season of gift giving is getting closer, and with some advance planning and creativity, you can make this year’s presents meaningful, practical and fun! Rather than giving a present that will sit, unused, give one that will encourage the recipient to be creative or have a great experience. It’s also a good time to help kids come up with thoughtful gift ideas for their friends and family.

Great Gifts for Kids to Get

You know your kids best. Some like art, some prefer science, others only want to have their nose in a book. That said, there are some go-to gifts that most kids can’t resist. Create an art kit, full of fun pencils, markers, papers and other unique items. This great site gives you recipes for art kits tailored to kids who love sculpture, drawing, painting and more. Even if your child doesn’t regularly participate in artistic hobbies, this may be just the year to create a spark!

Science kits are another fun gift to put together for kids. There are lots of pre-assembled kits available for purchase, but it’s also really exciting to open a box of items, selected with them in mind. Gather items from around the house and from discount stores, print some instructions or links to activities, and you’ve got a gift that will keep on giving and will also keep your child thinking! This resource has ample experiments and content lists for you to use.

Great Gifts for Kids to Give

We’ve all received that handmade gift from a son, daughter, niece or nephew. Some are better than others, it’s true, but all are from the heart and very special. What if those thoughtful handmade gifts were also really useful items? That would be a major win-win. Kids can give gifts that grownups will love, such as jewelry, pottery, decor, soaps and more. Another way for kids to give something meaningful to the grown ups in their lives is to give the gift of service. Kids can do community service and present the adult with a certificate that shows their contribution. Or they can give a “gift certificate” or coupon to the recipient, allowing them to request the child’s assistance with chores or other tasks when needed.

Regardless of your budget, fill this year’s gifts with meaning. The rewards are numerous: creativity, problem solving, mindfulness and more!